Masculine Chest Wall Contour Surgery (Top surgery) in Female –to-male Transgenders
To improve chest wall contour in some fmale-to-male transgenders, surgical intervention is necessary. Subcutaneous mastectomy is the surgery to remove female mammary glandular tissue that makes chest wall contour more masculine. According to the amount of breast glandular tissue, the position of nipple areolar and the elasticity of skin, we choose the two different surgery to achieve the optimal surgical results.
In the thin patient without big breasts, we preferred using key-hole incision for doing subcutaneous mastectomy to remove the glandular tissue. The key-hole incision was made along the upper edge of areola. It facilities unsightly scar as time goes by.
Fig.1: A 25 year-old female with BMI<20; pre-Op
Fig.2: 3 months after key-hole incision subcutaneous mastectomy
In patients with the ptotic breasts or huge amount of the glandular tissue, we recommend that the breast amputation and reposition of nipple-areola-complex will construct a more satisfied masculine chest wall contour.
Fig 3: A 30 year-old female with ptotic breast; the new nipple-areolar position was marked as “X”
Fig.4: six months after breast amputation and free nipple-areolar graft
Preoperative preparations:
Check-up general data, chest X-film, ECG. Blood routine, liver function etc.
Stop hormonal agents, if used.
NPO, since the midnight before surgery
In surgery, it takes about four hours to complete the whole procedures. Blood loss is always minimal and no blood transfusion is needed. The suction drains will be placed for three to five days until the amount of fluid is less than 20c.c. The patients can go back to hotel in the afternoon with elastic bandages on the chest wall. The stitches will be off in ten days.
The chest style elastic garment should be wear day and night for the first postoperative month. And, then it should be wear in the daytime for at least six months.
以上各式手術皆需在全身麻醉下進行,約須4小時,出血量少於10 C.C. 故不須輸血。手術當日可以回家不須住院。有時視情形在乳房下方,留置引流管帶回家,回診待引流量小於20cc取出。術後會使用彈性繃帶壓迫胸部,若有太緊不適的情形,可以自行鬆開重綁。術後10天拆線,胸型要等待3至6個月,才會恢復自然漂亮的外型。